Gender equal practices to create gender equal society

on 26.10.2023

     Women's Studies Centre of Thiagarajar college and Lady Doak College jointly organized a ‘Documentary screening’ programme on "Gender equal practices to create gender equal society" on 26.10.2023 at 11.00 a.m. in Diamond Jubilee Hall, Thiagarajar College.      

     Dr.C. Usha, Assistant Coordinator of WSC, Thiagarajar College welcomed the gathering and highlighted the objective of the program. The student volunteers from Lady Doak College screened the documentaries created by their team.      

     Three documentaries pertaining to the social issues about women’s education, Discrimination of women based on her appearance, Domestic violence, Struggles in confronting gender barriers and painful life of transgender community were screened.      

      Mrs.R.Sribala, Director of WSC, Thiagarajar College and Dr. Ann Nirmala Carr Coordinator, Centre for Women's Studies, Lady Doak College interacted with the students of Thiagarajar College and got the feedback and discussed the issues addressed in the documentaries.      

      More than 150 students from various Departments enthusiastically participated and interacted in the program. Dr.Beulah JM Rajkumar, Advisor, Centre for Women's Studies, Lady Doak College summed up the program and gave her thought on creating gender equity. Mrs. Juanita Alan, Coordinator, Counselling Unit of Lady Doak College proposed the vote of thanks.      


