Awareness Program - Sexual Harassment of Women at work place

on 15.12.2023

     Women’s Studies Centre (WSC),Thiagarajar College and Girl student's guidance cell- Department of Physics, Thiagarajar College jointly organized an awareness program on "Sexual Harassment of Women at work place Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal Act, 2013 " by Dr. M. Karpagam, Convener, Internal Complaints Committee(ICC) and Associate Professor, Department of Tamil, Thiagarajar College, Madurai on 15.12.2023 at Kabilar Hall(PH1). Ms.R.Rekha Devi of II M.Sc, Physics welcomed the gathering. Mrs.R.Sribala, Director of WSC, Thiagarajar College introduced the chief guest and emphasized the role of Internal Complaints Committee.      

     The resource person Dr. M. Karpagam, Convener (ICC) and Associate Professor of Tamil, Thiagarajar College, Madurai listed out the challenges faced by women at workplace. The various forms of violence and harassment against women in the society are discussed. She created awareness about the prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women at work place and about the Act 2013 pertaining to it. With the guidance of Dr. D. Sasi Devi, Assistant Program Coordinator,WSC the student volunteers displayed posters to create awareness about sexual harassment and the ways to prevent it. More than 70 students enthusiastically participated and interacted in the program. Dr.R.Aruna, Programme coordinator, WSC proposed the vote of thanks.      


