Special Lecture - Create Awareness On Healthy Food

on 26.02.2024

     Women's Studies Centre (WSC) organized a special lecture to create awareness on Healthy food. The lecture embarks on a journey to the nutritional benefits of traditional rice among the young generation. Mrs. R. Sribala, Director WSC, welcomed the gathering and insisted the necessity of using traditional rice and pointed out the adverse effects of junk food. Dr. D. Sasi Devi, Assistant Coordinator, WSC introduced the chief guest.      

     Dr. V. Karthikeyan, Assistant Professor in Botany, Thiagarajar College and a recipient of Nammalvar award in 2023, in his special lecture entitled "Our Mother Indian Rice" explained the inherent nutritional superiority of variety of traditional rice viz., karunkuruvai, kattuyanam, Bamboo rice.... He elucidated the medicinal benefits of organic food products and the initiatives taken in preserving and promoting traditional rice cultivation.      

     The special lecture was followed by a demonstration session by Mrs. R.Yasodai, Proprietor, Origin and Organic shop, Madurai. She gave tips to be followed in cooking traditional rice and recipes for preparation. Healthy snacks prepared out of black kavuni and poongar rice were distributed to the participants. Dr.G. Selvarakku, Coordinator Gender studies, coordinated the event.      

     More than 120 students from WSC and Gender studies benefited from this special lecture. Dr. R.Aruna, Programme coordinator, WSC proposed the vote of thanks.      


