- Principal – Chairman of the Academic Council
- Dr.D.Pandiaraja
- Dean – Curriculum Development – Convener
- Dr.Rm.Murugappan
- University Nominees
- Dr.S.Chelliah, Professor, Head & Chairperson, School of English & Foriegn Languages,MKU, Madurai.
- Dr.R.Saraswathi, Professor & Head, Department of Materials Science, School of Chemistry, MKU, Madurai.
- Dr.J.Vijayadurai, Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, MKU, Madurai.
- Management Nominees
- Dr.M.Palani Natha Raja, Professor & Dean(Planning and Development), TCE, Madurai.
- Dr.M. Arunagiri, Former Principal, Thiagarajar College, Madurai.
- All HODs of academic and non-academic departments of Thiagarajar college
- Director of Collegiate Education as the State representative
- Representative of Thiagarajar College in the Academic Council from Madurai Kamaraj University
- The senior most Associate Professor and the senior most Assistant Professor
- One student representative from each department
- Deans and Controller of Examinations as special invitees
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